5 MAY 1894, page 2

Lord Salisbury Also Made Some Very Effective Remarks Upon...

Home-rule question, and the certainty that Ireland would be guided not by its citizens, but by the Irish-Americans, who do not conceal their hatred of Great Britain ; but we......

On Friday, The Government Succeeded In Carrying Their-...

Committee scheme. Sir George Trevelyan, however, gave in on Mr. Renshaw's amendment, and agreed , that the Committee of Selection in nominating the fifteen English or Irish......

Lord Salisbury Delivered A Most Powerful Speech On Thurs-...

at Trowbridge, in which he maintained, first of all, that the dominant party was neglecting its duty in not attending to the ruin of agriculture,—a ruin which would become more......

One Good Result Of The Split In The Irish Party

is that it. encourages plain speaking. In the Irish Independent of April 24th, the Parliamentary correspondent, said to be a Nationalist M.P., writes thus of the Evicted Tenants......

An Agreement Has Been Arrived At Between The Panama...

the heirs of Baron Reinach, and IL Cornelius Herz, by which, in consideration of £60,000 to be paid by each of the two latter, all proceedings are to be stopped. M. Herz may......

On Tuesday, On The Order For The Second Reading' Of

the Registration Bill, Sir Edward Clarke moved a resolution de- clining to proceed with the Bill " in the absence of proposals for the redress of the large inequalities existing......

On The Debate Of Monday Night, Which Closed With The

first reading of the Welsh Church Disestablishment Bill,—no- division being challenged,—we have commented at some length elsewhere. Mr. Lloyd George's vehement speech did his......

Lord Rosebery Also Made A Short Speech In The Manchester

Reform Club, on Thursday, in answer to a complimentary address from the members of that club, in which, alluding to a remark made in the address that Mr. Gladstone had in......