5 MAY 1894, page 27
Two Small Books Which Merely Call For Passing Notice Are
Biz Generations of Friends in Ireland and the second series of Quaker Pictures, by J. M. R. Whitten. Both books are published by Mr. E. Hicks. In Six Generations of Friends in......
In An Alpine Valley, By G. Manville Fenn. 3 Vols.
(Hurst and Blackett.)—We hope that Mr. Manville Fenn has not drawn his Bedford Row solicitor from the life. As it is, his story will sensibly diminish the confidence with which......
Some Memories Of Books, Authors, And Events. By James...
(Constable and Co.)—This is a volume of artless gossip on the trade aspects of literature and journalism in Edinburgh when the century was young, and one which incidentally......