5 MAY 1894, page 3

Mr. Gladstone Made A Very Interesting Speech On Thursday In

proposing a resolution to erect a fitting memorial to Sir Andrew Clark. He accepted the Duke of Cambridge's in- vitation not to rise from his seat, as he has been for some weeks......

The Arrangements For The March Of The Miserable On...

have for the present broken down. The decision -of the national Government has prevented any further seizure of trains ; and though many " regiments " are still in motion, they......

On Tuesday, On The Order For The Second Reading' Of

the Registration Bill, Sir Edward Clarke moved a resolution de- clining to proceed with the Bill " in the absence of proposals for the redress of the large inequalities existing......

In The House Of Commons, On Thursday, Sir Henry James

made the most telling speech on the Registration Bill yet -delivered from the Unionist aide. The Bill, he declared, was an election agents' Bill, and would throw an enormous......

Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent. New Console (2i) Were On

Friday, 100-A.......

Mr. E. Spencer's Bill For Creating A'labour Ministry Was -on

Wednesday defeated on its second reading without a -division. It was opposed by both parties, Lord R. Churchill pointing out that it increased the number of Ministers, already......

At The Evening Meeting, The Chief Feature Was The Speech

of Mr. George Russell (the Under-Secretary for the Home Department), who, as a most devoted Churchman, made a very earnest, not to say very passionate, speech in favour of the......

The Jubilee Of The Liberation Society Was Celebrated On...

by a breakfast and a public meeting. At the break- fast Mr. Illingworth, M.P., who presided, declared that the Society's career had been a series of unbroken triumphs. We wish......