6 AUGUST 1983, page 19


Not Oxford's Church Sir: is the Church dead? asks A. N. Wilson (23 July). Having witnessed the faded Jamboree of the Oxford Movement he Comes to the conclusion that it is, and......

Banks And _wills

Sir: The Government has directed that what would have been protracted court pro- ceedings against the Stock Exchange be abandoned, thereby, it is reported, saving millions of......

Sir: A. N. Wilson's Article (23 July) Has, Joyfully, Laid

bare the bones of the silent majority. What price the Oxford Movement if the Church of England is allowed to progress, unwittingly, towards a unity with Rome, in form, if not in......

Sir: As An Anglo-catholic I Was Much Amused By A.

N. Wilson's description of the 150th anniversary celebrations of the Oxford Movement (23 July). I agree with many of his observations regarding the Present state of the Church......

Babes And Sucklings

Sir: Andrew Brown, in his article about incest in Sweden (23 July), says that the estimates of a ten per cent incidence of this vice appear to be derived from studies done in......

Ne Grub Street

Sir: You rightly reprobate the unnecessary renaming of Selous Street in Camden (Notebook, 23 July), but the problem is not a new one. I scribble away opposite the eponymous......