Silliness P.J. Kavanagh I t is odd that some professions seem, to some people, inherently ridiculous. There is a play by Graham Greene called The Complaisant Lover in which the......
Crisis Raymond Keene A ll hell has broken loose over the venues for the Candidates' semi-final matches between Kasparov and Korchnoi and Smyslov and Ribli. In face of a massive......
No. 1281: Alma Mater Set by Jaspistos: An extract, please (max- imum 150 words), from the pre-war memoirs of a precocious teenage aesthete, of either sex, at a public or......
No. 1278: The Winners
Report by Jaspistos: Competitors were ask- ed for a sonnet beginning, as one of Wordsworth's does, 'Clarkson! that was an obstinate ... ' Well, er, actually it doesn't: it......
The Chequers Chess Competition No.2
Copies of last week's issue containing the £200 Chequers chess competition are still available at £1 (post paid) from Back Numbers, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WC1N......