6 AUGUST 1983, page 33
Solution To 616: An Apple A Day
L • E '6 W N . E ' D A 1 R I E j ER T■E s i rcN ' .0 E NIETIPUJIW A NID E'L'A ,E .D • RI IIN E N E N D S IA L si s 10 O A K N E 'AI S D S T LLA „I EIN R keeps the DR (14, 31, 6,......
No. 1278: The Winners
Report by Jaspistos: Competitors were ask- ed for a sonnet beginning, as one of Wordsworth's does, 'Clarkson! that was an obstinate ... ' Well, er, actually it doesn't: it......
Crossword 619
A prize of ten pounds will be awarded for the first correct solution opened on 22 August. Entries to: Crossword 619, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WCIN 2LL. a 1 10......