6 NOVEMBER 1875, page 21

The War-n(1 . 91m : A Romance Of The Arctic Ocean. By

Frank Usher. 3 vols. (Tinsley Brothers.)—This is a taking title, but it might just as well have been "A Romance of Ceylon" or "A Romance of London." The two sons of Captain......

Some Of The Magazines.

THE Contemporary for this month contains another most amusing - though sardonic paper by Julian Hawthorne upon the Saxon Switzerland, but the place of honour is fittingly......

Learning, And Written With Rigour, Gives A Sketch Of Forms

of worship that preceded Christianity, Mosaism appearing in company with Brah- manism, Buddhism, Hellenism, &c. The preliminary observations, dealing chiefly with the subject of......

Current Literature.

Endowed Territorial Work. The Baird Lecture for 1875. By the Rev. W. Smith, D.D. (Blackwood.)—" The Baird Lecture" is a recent foundation having for its object "the illustration......