6 NOVEMBER 1875, page 22

The History Of France. By M. Guizot. Translated By Robert

Black, M.A. Volume IV. (Sampson Low and Co.)—This volume takes up the history at the death of Henry IV., and carries it on to the death of Louis XIV., a period of a little more......

Smoot Booxe.—the Series Of History Primers Edited By Mr. T.

R. Green (Macmillan) promises to be a very useful one. We have before us at this moment two, The History of Rome, by the Rev. M. Creighton, and The History of Greece, by C. A.......

The Campaigns Of Napoleon : Waterloo. By Edward E. Bowen,

M.A. (Rivingtons.)—This is the last volume of an excellent series. The battles of Ligny and Quatro Bras are included under the head of "Waterloo." We have, in fact, a narrative......

Learning, And Written With Rigour, Gives A Sketch Of Forms

of worship that preceded Christianity, Mosaism appearing in company with Brah- manism, Buddhism, Hellenism, &c. The preliminary observations, dealing chiefly with the subject of......

The Secret Warfare Of Freemasonry Against Church And...

from the German. (Burns and Oates)—Logically the Indictment against Freemasonry is very strong. As the translator of this work well puts it, "No man has a right to yield up his......

Her Idol. By Maxwell Hood. 3 Vols. (samuel Tinsley.)—it Is

a theological phrase, often, we think, used with doubtful propriety, to speak of the object of some strong but perfectly legitimate affection as being an "idol." This is the......

Sir Marmaduke Lorton, Bart. By The Hon. Albert S. G.

Canning. 3 vols. (Samuel Tinsley.)—This book is a very odd mixture. The story itself concerns the sayings and doings of a number of exceedingly disreputable persons, among whom......