6 NOVEMBER 1875, page 14

The Balaclava Troopers.

['o THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.] Sni,—If your article on the Balaclava Charge was written, as to the last part, from a real desire for information, I will try to give you the......

The Wreck Of The 'birkenhead.'

[To THE EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Although I entirely sympathise with the wish you expressed last week that Mr. Tennyson, as he has sung for us the Charge of "the Six......

Old Prophecies.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.) Sin,—The prophecy anent the destiny of the Turkish Empire appeared in Notes and Queries for August 5, 1854. A corre- spondent communicated it......

The Bishop Of Ripon And " Requiescat In Pack." - [to

TER EDITOR OF Tam “SPICT47031:1 Sirt,—Before the Bishop of Ripon so positively asserted that an "true Protestants " reject the doctrine of prayer for the dead, he- should have......

Bavaria And Ireland.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I cannot see the difficulty suggested by your article on the above subject. If the supposed religious question were one con- cerning the......

The Knutsford Bench Of Magistrates. [to The Editor Of The

"SPECTATOR.") last Spectator are some statements about the compo- sition of the County Magistracy which seem inaccurate, and which it may be desirable to correct. It is said......