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—Portrait of the Week— MR. KHRUSHCHEV DROPPED IT. Seismic measure-

The Spectator

ments suggested that the bomb was nearer 60 than 50 megatons (bringing the approximate score to East 160, West 130) and Mr. K himself playfully admitted that Soviet scientists...


The Spectator

HE Queen's Speech for what is presumably the penultimate session of this Parliament contains nearly a score of promises of legislation; it is going to be a full session, then....

The Spectator

The Spectator

No. 6958 Established FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1828 1961

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The Spectator

T HE National Health Service, which for some years has been treated with respect by the Conservatives and reverence by the Opposition, has recently been attracting less...

Precision Bombing

The Spectator

T an explosion of Mr. Khrushchev's 50-rnega- ton bomb and his note to Finland asking for joint measures against a possible attack by West Germany and its allies seem both to be...

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Ombudsman for Britain?

The Spectator

THE lucid analysis and concise style of Sir 1 John Whyatt's report The Citizen and the Administration'" make it a fitting companion- piece to the now famous Franks Report of...

Fischer Verlag

The Spectator

T HE Frankfurt Book Fair is celebrating this year the seventy-fifth birthday of one of the greatest, and not only in size, of the publishers in the German language . area....

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Sunday, November 4, 1%6 From SARAH GAINHAM

The Spectator

BONN rr LIB guns thudding woke me about five o'clock. It was dark. But the day before had been quite a day, with the drive to the frontier to put a story over on the Austrian...

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The Heretics

The Spectator

From MOLLY COOPER PRETORIA E VEN in South Africa a charge of heresy in 1961 seemed impossible and unreal. Yet here it is, with all the trappings of inquisition, in our midst....

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Sad Stories of the Death of Queens

The Spectator

By D. W. BROGAN (1 NE of the earliest memories of my child- 1 14,../ hood, which I was old enough to under- stand, was the sight of the Lusitania anchored off Fairlie in the...

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The Coffee Slurpers of Old Nile

The Spectator

From DESMOND STEWART CAIRO HE coffee-slurpers of Egypt, her 'multi- tudinous bureaucrats, have a long ancestry. We see them in the frescoes of Sakkara, stout, sedentary...

Page 12

SIR,—As a graduate master serving in a grammar school (and

The Spectator

a member of the AMA) I was most interested to read Charles Brand's latest contribu- tion to your pages. I feel, however, that he has confused the issue—perhaps unintentionally :...

SIR,—I am merely a parent with two children at a

The Spectator

primary school and with no other vested interests whatever in the education profession. I was appalled by Charles Brand's article and the contempt which he feels for the primary...

SIR,—The destiny of the teaching profession is not, praise be,

The Spectator

in the hands of Charles Brand. It does not seem very important that the public should 'grasp the distinction between the NUT and the AMA.' That distinction lies in the fact that...

Basic Slag Richard Playlet-, R. D. Greaves,

The Spectator

W. G. Boyd. Margaret Cowing Kariba Grace Scott Ronald Knox's New Testament Michael Ivens The Lost Tribes of Reading P. E. Fairbalrn Intrusion Paul Ries Collin Monster Babies...


The Spectator

SIR.—Sir Malcolm Barrow, in replying to my comments on Kariba, accuses me and 'political com- mentators' like me, of 'arrogantly disregarding the expert opinions of...

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The Spectator

is helpful and honest of a critic to announce her predilections and if Miss Stevie Smith finds 'entirely enjoyable' Rose Macaulay's thrusts against Rome, that is her business....

IMMIG RATION Stn,—Why do some people (Postscript,' October 27) insist

The Spectator

on distorting the issues involved in immigra- tion? Obviously, the coloured immigrants arc fit to live with us—in fact, it might well be asked if all of us are fit to live with...

SIR, — Mr. Alan Brien is entitled to his own reasons for

The Spectator

reading science fiction. But he should not imagine that they account, or fully account, for the motives of any other readers—particularly when he is review- ing a collection...


The Spectator

SIR,—Mr. Llew Gardner has some pretty odd ideas of the function of the press, although 'pretty' sounds the wrong word. Did it not occur to him or his Editor that publication of...


The Spectator

SIR,—I am sure that all my neighbours will join me in thanking Monica Furlong for 'The Lost Tribes of Reading' and the local reader of the Spectator who brought the Rev. G. H....


The Spectator

SIR,—1 intend to publish a critical biography of the late Irish poet, James Stephens, and would he grate- ful if any of your readers who have any information about his origin,...


The Spectator

Sin,--1 am puzzled by a statement by Miss Sarah Gainham in last week's Spectator. When and who proposed to sell the Tennessee Valley Authority to private shareholders? It...

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The Spectator

Grandma Osmosis By BAMBER GASCOIGNE The American Dream. (Royal Court.)—The One Day of the Year. (Theatre Royal, Stratford E.) loNEsco's is the style of theatre in which it...


The Spectator

The Chocolate Dancer By CLIVE BARNES The Royal Ballet does its best. It supplies the provinces with the required Swan Lake and The Sleeping Beauty, giving them as well as the...

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The Spectator

Responsible Medium By PETER FORSTER MOST television is concerned with trivialities, but every now and then a programme justifies those of us who hold that the medium offers a...

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The Spectator

His and Hers By ISABEL QUIGLY MASCULINE and feminine films —you can't, in any solemnly critical way, divide things ac- cording to the likely sex of their audience. In films...


The Spectator

A Sad Revival By DAVID CAIRNS Yet the show remained absurd. This is not to deny that to any but a provincial German audi- ence Der Freischiitz must seem ridiculous. But there...

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The Spectator

Taste of Affluence By HUGH GRAHAM short in the era of Roger Fry, though even Bloomsbury taste would appear somewhat daring to most of the collectors in and around Duke Street,...

London Film Festival

The Spectator

Accattone By JAMES BREEN Foa a large part of the year tha films one sees have hardly a drop of the true film-essence in them. A little diluted in plot and character, a little...

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The Spectator

Knight of the Will By BERNARD BERGONZI ATRICK WHITE is an athlete among contem- porary novelists, as befils a writer who comes from a country Where, one gathers,. old ladies...

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Unwinnable War

The Spectator

The Algerian Problem. By Edward Behr. (Hod- der and Stoughton, 21s., and Penguin, 3s. 6d.) THE war in Algeria enters its eighth year this week. Probably' this will be the last...

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'My home was a most intellectual one and not only

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so but one of exquisite home-training and refinement—alas the difference the loss of these amenities and gentlenesses has made to met' Poor, silly, snobbish Emma Hardy, one...

Ape in Arms?

The Spectator

WILLIAM BOLITHO once called man the 'killer ape.' Mr. Robert Ardrey has turned this casual shaft of irony into a full-scale thesis on the nature of man. He begins with a long...

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Progress Report

The Spectator

A Tropical Childhood and other Poems. By 15s.) Collected Verse from 1929. By Ogden Nash. (.Dent, 30s.) EVERY poet, I suppose, likes to feel that he's developing. One of the...

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Rewards and Bogies

The Spectator

NOVELISTS who believe in metaphysics often enjoy hitting their characters right over the boundaries of reality. They are trying to do something which we are told nowadays the...

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Wracks of Empire

The Spectator

Devil of a State. By Anthony Burgess. (Heinemann, 16s.) After Anzac Day. By Ian Cross. (Deutsch,'15s.) As earth's proud empires fade away, and negritude becomes a fashionable...

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'The House'

The Spectator

By LOTHBURY rr HE great investment activity which was 1. experienced by brokers and jobbers during 1960 carried over until May 15 this year when the industrial ordinary share...

Long After Wren

The Spectator

By LOUIS WULFF As the City's bomb gaps close up one by one, /Asignalling the end of the property men's rich post-war harvest, the developers seek fresh fields for profit....

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Banks and the Common Market

The Spectator

y PETEK H. DICKINSO ty to the British capital market as they already have market. and dreamers are at a discount there are few realists, It seems inevitable that sterling,...

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Green Prospect from Tower

The Spectator

By D. WILSHER MIMES are not happy around the Pool of Lon- don. The old East India store in Cutler Street is still bulging with carpets and ivory, dragon's blood, myrrh and...

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Bank Rate and the Treasury

The Spectator

By NICHOLAS DAVENPORT THE long-awaited recovery— call it boom if you will—in the gilt-edged market is a supreme act of faith in the intelligence and influence of the new Gover-...

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Company Notes

The Spectator

T HE results of Eastwoods, the manufacturers and distributors of building materials, are up to the best expectations for the year ended March 31, 1961. The chairman,...

Investment Notes

The Spectator

By CUSTOS 0 PINION in the City remains sharply divided about the prospects of the equity share markets. The Sunday papers remain bullish- you cannot sustain reader interest in...

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Situations Vacant in Brussels

The Spectator

By RICHARD BAILEY T HERE are two different recipes for starting an international or any other sort of or- ganisation. The first reads—take a handful of dedicated men, place in...

Thought for Food

The Spectator

Thick and Thin By ELIZABETH DAVID SINCE the price of fresh double cream went up from ls. 9d. to 2s. a quarter-pint I've made two or three attempts at using single cream (now...

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Consuming Interest

The Spectator

Feeding the Teak By LESLIE ADRIAN TkiE latest fashion in fur- niture is for dull, oiled finishes, such as un- polished oak, oiled teak and afrormosia. I have nothing against...

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Postscript . .

The Spectator

I AM sorry to see H. V. Hodson translated from the editorial chair of the Sunday Times. I was on his staff for y years; hardly ever agreed with anything he said or wrote; was...