12 MAY 1984, page 19

Cuba: The Evidence

Sir: The Institute for Policy Studies and its co-founder Richard J. Barnet have long made important contributions to the study of international affairs. Barnet himself has......

Sir: Charles Mosley's Attempt To Dismiss The Whole Of...

art in a single co ntemptuous phrase reminds me of James Joyce's comment: `The Italians never did a. nrhing in the way of art — except perhaps I llustrate a page or two of the......

Passing The Buck

Sir: In common with 99 per cent of the tilh abitants of my state, I think watching ru gby is rather less interesting than watching grass grow. I do not want to argue about......

Gentle School

Sir: May I correct the entirely erroneous report by Alan Watkins (Diary, 28 April) about the Civil Service College? We do not use any of the dubious training methods referred......


Bible bashing Sir: How I agree with Charles Mosley's protest (Letters, 21 April) against the Vowing trend in the Spectator. Why should readers of the Spectator, whether Roman......


Sir: Brian Inglis's review of The Apocalyptics: Politics, Science and the Big Cancer Lie (Books, 28 April), reminds me of some information that has disappeared from view. Many......

The Greatest

Sir: There is nothing wrong with Muhammad Ali's brain; nor has there ever been. Questioned by Harry Carpenter recently on the effects of receiving one of Henry Cooper's punches,......