24 OCTOBER 1908, page 13

The Selection Of Parliamentary Candidates.

(To THE EDITOR Or Till SPECTATOR."] SIR, — In your issue of the 17th inst. your correspondent signing himself " Conservative " makes an attack upon those responsible for the......

Letters To The Editor.

THE UNEMPLOYED AND FALSE PHILANTHROPY. [To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTAT011.1 Sne, — May I call your attention to the action of kind-hearted philanthropists with regard to the......

Finances And Taxation.

[To THE EDITOZ OP THE "SPECTAT0R."1 Lloyd George's oratorical flight—his remark that "Britain is the richest land under the sun "—has given rise to some notes of interrogation.......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator."] Sir,—your Note To Mr.

Barker's letter in last week's issue gives a general answer to his exaggerated pessimism ; but with your permission I should like to reply to his numerous questions, as one so......