24 OCTOBER 1908, page 15

[to Try Editor Op Thz "spectator." J Srs,—it Is Not

very wise for Miss Clara Dorothea Rackham (Spectator, October 17th) to bring the name of George Eliot into her challenge of Dr. Macphairs statements. It recalls to one's mind......

[to Tel Editor Op Tru "spoor/more:]

Sin,—In the letters which have appeared on the above subject I fail to see any direct reference to the Christian view of the sanctity of human life, whether infant or adult. I......

"killing No Murder."

[To TER EDITOR OF TIER "EPROTATOR.1 SIR,—Wbether a criticism of a criticism be worth printing I must leave to you. I do not think either you or a corre- spondent of last week......

The Over-representation Of Ireland. [to Tier Editor Op...

SIR,—In your article on "Unionist Policy" on October 17t1 you ask : "Why should we give the enemies of the Union' (meaning Irishmen) "some forty more votes in Parliament than......

The "american Woman."

[To THE EDITOR OF TEL " SFECTATOR."1 SIE,—I was disgusted to read in your paper the two letters signed Andrew Macphail. That you should not only publish, but go out of your way......

Lto Tul Ed/tor Op This "sprotator:1 Stn,—your Earnest And...

appeal in the Spectator of October 3rd for consideration of infants before all others concerned will, I trust, rouse an adequate sense of the cruelty of our legislation in......

[to Tim Editor Of This "sprotator."] Sin,—as An Old Reader

of the Spectator, I have frequently noticed your expressions of surprise that neither of the great parties has attempted to deal with the over-representation of Ireland. May I......