26 NOVEMBER 1887, page 1

As The Election Approaches, The Chances Of The Candidates...

more obscure. The Republicans have, however, it ie said, agreed not to elect " a sabre "—a polite way of shunting General Boulanger—and M. Le Royer, M. Leon Say, and M.......

For The Present, The Protectionism Of The Conservatives...

any practical effect. As Lord Salisbury reminded them in his speech of Wednesday, the alliance with the Liberal Unionists is the key to the whole situation, and any change of......

The Conservative Conference At Oxford, Which Met On Mon-...

and sat for three days, prodnced rather an ominous sign of the times. It included nearly a thousand delegates from Con- servative clubs in the United Kingdom, and on Tuesday it......

In His Evening Speech. Lord Salisbury, While Arguing...

a further reform of Procedure in the House of Commons, in a fashion enabling the House to put down obstruction with- out so much exhausting pain and labour as were needful for......

News Of The Week.

Air GRDVY, after a bitter struggle, has resigned the 111 e Presidency of the French Republic, to which he has been twice elected. M. Clemenceau on Saturday demanded an immediate......

*.* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
