5 JUNE 1971, page 25

Sir: I Would Like To Inform My Fellow Subscribers Of

a small circu- lation magazine which I feel com- plements the SPECTATOR. It is against the Common Market, and tries to find solutions to the popu- lation explosion, pollution,......


Sir: One expects illiteracy from the underground; but in the name of consistency shouldn't you now rename it the 'Undergrinded'?......

Sir: In Diverting Sequence From A Spectator Letter (22 May)

by an old friend, J. H. Bell, I get one from another old (mutual) friend , setting forth an opposite view, viz. anti-Common Market. We have. all three, good Oxbridge degrees.......

Women's Pages

Sir: It is understandable—laud- able, even—that a wine-writer should get obsessive about labels. Still, as far as 'Women's Pages' are concerned, Pamela Vandyke Price's......

Sir: If Mr Edward Taylor, Me. Leaves The Government And

the Tory party, then good riddance. Anyone who cannot make ends meet on a salary of £6,000 is clearly being blackmailed in much the same way as professors, who get £4,000 a......

The Oxford Group

Sir: Mr Peregrine Worsthorne (29 May) in reviewing The Greening of America refers to the Oxford Group and says that Dr Buchman 'was never taken seriously except by cranks.' As......

Absolutely Relative

Sir: In reply to Thomas W. Gadd (22 May), 1 would point out that he is confusing the philosophical 'Absolute' with the use of the term 'absolutism' as a purely political......

Sir: I Admit I Am A Layman In Poli- I

ics. but all the same I am shocked by the attitude you have adopted towards the entry of Britain into the Common Market. I have been attached to the REP in 1939. Although I went......

Electoral Polls

Sir: Bless Mr Herrington of New- castle, (22 May), I wasn't complain- ing about the confusions in The British General Election of 1970: it gave me a lot of innocent fun to see......

Waugh Victims

Sir: It is time that someone stood up to Mr Auberon Waugh who gets away with it each week with impunity whilst his helpless victims have no redress. He regularly assails writers......