rib ME EDITOR OF me " SP...TAMS.")
Bra—Will any of your correspondents kindly tell me whether Commissioned officers live on their pay in certan units? 011 inquiry one is informed officially that "a commissioned officer ought to be able to live on his pay in most units," but one is not told if it is done. Official statements are often misleading, and people with whom I have discussed the matter are of the opinion that it is most unlikely. Obviously a man could not live on his pay while training in the O.T.C. (pay in London, 2s. lld, without food, lodging ; in camp, 11d, with billet, messing; boots, underclothing, &c., not provided in either case). Still, that period is limited, though one would like to have some knowledge on this point too. I know of some one who, if he joins the Army, will lose his entire income he would like to apply for e commission (temporary), but is afraid of finding himself ultimately in a false position. It is therefore necessary for him before taking any steps in the matter to know definitelY whether officers do live on their pay or not. As there must be others similarly circumstanced, I treat you will think this question of sufficient interest to be ventilated in your columns.—I am, Sir, lee., K.