Whit About Hops?
[To s117 EOM. 07 7117 • 031 1 7C717011.1 SIE,—Your leading article of April 3rd on "Why Do the Government Hesitate ?" is deserving of all praise, both for its outspokenness and......
"love Your Enemies."
[To rue EDITOR or rex "Sreoraron.1 Sts,—Amidet the present discussion, from several sides, of the meaning and incidence of this great precept of our Lord, it may be worth while......
[to 7101 Editor Ow 7117 87701,707....] Sirt, — I...
the continued success of your appeal to Britons in aid of the "Spectator Home Guards Fund." I beg to enclose a draft for £35 in aid of this Fund from a Briton who is too old to......
Letters To The Editor.
THE VOLUNTEER MOVEMENT, rro Tar Zones Or UM "Srcereroh." J think your readers, especially those who so generously contributed to the Fund opened by you on behalf of the......
Americans And The 'falaba.'
[To 7117 Roues st oat -sescravoa.-1 St,—Will some of your readers in the United States who occasionally send you striking and deeply interesting letteri kindly tell us the......