10 APRIL 1915, page 2

We Desire To Reiterate Here A Suggestion For Compromise Made

in our leading colnmna If the Government have not the pluck to "go for" the fence up to which they have ridden, let them at any rate suspend the sale of intoxi- canta in this......

A Word May Be Said To Those Over-anxious And Timid

people who think there might be an insurrection or a "terrible strike" if the Government were to prohibit the sale of intoxicants during the war. There would be nothing of the......

This, It Is Suggested, Is The Policy Which The Trade

would prefer, though it is added that the Scottish distillers would prefer very heavy taxation of spirits to prohibition. No doubt they would; but we venture to say it is a......

This Is Very Important Information. Our Only Comment Is That

M. Venezelos displayed more statesmanship than any one else in Europe. He is evidently a great political leader—far the greatest Greece or any Balkan Power has ever had. 'He......

We Need Not Devote More Space To Mr. Lloyd George's

letter, though it is well worth reading as a crushing, and at the same time dignified, answer to a poisonous and vindictive attack. Two observations, however, we must make on......

That Is The Exact Attitude Of Mr. Keir Hardie And

of plenty of his colleagues and followers on the platform and in the Press. Labour is to be above the reach of criticism, and those who dare to think otherwise must be......

The Second Memorandum Of H. Venezelos To The King Of

Greece on January 30th was summarized in the Times of Tuesday. H. Venezelos explained that Roumania was unwilling to co-operate with Greece and Serbia unless Bulgaria also came......

The Incident Reflects As Much Dishonour On Mr. Keir Hardie

as it does honour on Mr. Lloyd George. Mr. Kyle Hardie has lent himself to the encouragement of the worst and most tyrannous aide of the Labour movement. A claim is almost......

King Constantine Approved These Views, And Authorized M....

give effect to them. M. Venezelos, how- ever, decided to await the result of the Bulgarian attempt to raise a loan on the German and Austrian money markets. When, a few days......

Mr. Lloyd George Has Written A Letter To Friday's Papers

in which he indignantly repudiates the monstrous accusation brought against him by Mr. Keir Hardie. Speaking at Norwich, Mr. Heir Hardie declared that workers who were putting......