The second Memorandum of H. Venezelos to the King of
Greece on January 30th was summarized in the Times of Tuesday. H. Venezelos explained that Roumania was unwilling to co-operate with Greece and Serbia unless Bulgaria also came in. He advised the King to revive the proposal to come to an understanding with Bulgaria by ceding to her Drama, Kavala, and Sariehaban. In return for the cession of an area of two thousand square kilombtres inhabited by thirty thousand Greeks, Greece would secure in Asia Minor one hundred and twenty-five thousand square kilometres inhabited by eight hundred thousand Greeks. To allay the fears of the General Staff as to a Bulgarian attack on Greece at the end of the campaign, H. Venezelos suggested that an agreement should be made with the Entente Powers for safeguarding Greece. He finally observed that, if negotiations with Bulgaria broke down in consequence of her extravagant demands, the Entente Powers would none the less be under an obligation to Greece and would support her.