Bulls And Blunders.
[To MID EDITOR 07 7E6 " STSCIWFOR"j 13150,—Many years ago I heard the following notice read out in a Catholic church in England: "There will be a procession next Sunday......
THE BALLAD OF THE 'EASTERN CROWN. ' I'VE sailed in ' ookers plenty since first I went to sea, An ' sail or steam, an ' good or bad, was all alike to me ; There ' s some ' ave......
[to Woe Eorros Spree Sencraron..] 8111,—amongst Mixed...
delightful I think I have ever heard was the statement of a Town Councillor in a Hampshire town some years ago, during a discussion on projected expenditure on town......
The Punctuation Of The Lord ' S Prayer.
[To ran EDITOR OF ran “Srsc-rArox."] suggest that the reason for placing the comma after the word "done, " in the Lord ' s Prayer, is that (in the words of the Bishop of Oxford)......
A Hospitable Journal.
[To ran Emum or Ins Braor•ron."1 sometimes wcmder how far the editor of the Spectator is able to gauge the variety of types of mind and vocation repre- sented among his readers.......
[to Tor Edwor Or Rex ..sracraros."] Sin,—some Years Ago,...
stationed in Ireland, I was paying an afternoon call upon the wife of the vicar of a oonntry pariah. The housekeeper opened the front door, and I was at once greeted by the......
Prolonging The War.
[To TICE EDITOR OP Tea " SPECTATOR:] San,—In your issue of the 3rd inst. we notice a letter from "A Government Contractor" who is evidently uninformed on the present position of......
The Central Association Of Volunteer Training Corps.
PnEsmxxr, 4 LORD DESBOROUGH. How. SECRETARY PERCY A. HARRIS, Esq. RIAD Omens: Judges ' Quadrangle, Royal Courts of Justice (Carey Street entrance). The aims and objects of this......
[to Yrs Editor Or Ran ..errentron."1 Sir,—a Distinguished...
the Ulster Party, writing to me some time back, said "Before the Home Role Bill is enforced Asquith will have to walk over many dead bodies— his own included. " I think this......
11017ce.—whett "correspondence" Or Artistes Are Signed...
rrr initials, or with a peendonym, or are marked "Communicaled," the Edifor roust not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......
The " Spectator " Home Guards Fund. Sunscairriews For This
Fund should be sent to the Spectator Office, or direct to Messrs. Barclay and Co., Goslings' Branch, 19 Fleet Street, London, E.G. Cheques should he made payable to the......