German Praise Of British Troops.
[To TEE EDITOR or TR. " SPECTATOR."] San,—German activities reach as far as Los Angeles in California, and I bare received a copy of the Los Angeles Examiner containing en......
The Height Of Napoleon. [to The Banos Of Tan "spectator:1
Si,—Will you allow me to explain why Napoleon was ever said to he only 5 ft. 3 in. high p It was because a French foot in the old French measure was not 12 in., but about in in.......
The Imperial College, Windsor.
[To THE EDITOR or ten •`Sercuros."] San,–..In a very few words may I draw the attention of your readers to the work done by the Imperial College, Windsor, and to its present......
Detection Of Aircraft.
[To TRE EDITOR opens " SPECTATOR") Salk—The suggestion in a letter in your last week's issue as to grey shrikes being used for detecting aircraft is very interesting, but I fear......
Allowances For Officers' Widows. (to Tim Emma Or Tea...
SIR,—I read from time to time many references to the allow, ance for soldiers' wives and suggestions for adequate pensions to the widows of fallen soldiers. Scarce a word in the......
Prolonging The War.
[To TICE EDITOR OP Tea " SPECTATOR:] San,—In your issue of the 3rd inst. we notice a letter from "A Government Contractor" who is evidently uninformed on the present position of......