[To TEE EDITOR or TR. " SPECTATOR."] San,—German activities reach as far as Los Angeles in California, and I bare received a copy of the Los Angeles Examiner containing en article which is declared to be written for that paper by "Herr Harden, Editor of Die Zukunft, published in Berlin." The Examiner describes him as the "best-known journalist in Germany." The article is full of abuse and hatred of Great Britain, but contains these words— "And yet yen are not cowards, you Britons. German officers tell of the bravery and persistence of your soldiers. Though wounded two and three times they fight on. refusing to leave the firing-line. Some of your nobility lead your mercenaries, falling with them. The French have been taught a lesson by your cool endurance. . . . We had not hoped to findsuch splendidly efficient foes in mere mercenaries."
Such testimony as this from German officers deserves to be recorded. "Wounded two and three times," yet "refusing to leave the firing-line" ; "splendidly efficient." What more
could we have P—I am, Sir, Ac., Z.