The incident reflects as much dishonour on Mr. Keir Hardie
as it does honour on Mr. Lloyd George. Mr. Kyle Hardie has lent himself to the encouragement of the worst and most tyrannous aide of the Labour movement. A claim is almost openly made that the hand-workers, or " Labour " personified, are to be exempt from all public criticism, and that any one who dares to speak home truths to this particular section of the community is to be instantly smothered under a feather- bed of abuse and denounced for having dared to suggest that the mighty many-headed monarch is not perfect. We all know the attitude of the sycophant who, at the first whisper of criticism, rushes open-mouthed to the steps of the Imperial throne and, prostrating himself in an agony of super-loyalty, denounces the blasphemous wretches—he dares not sully his lips with their hideous and tbricascoursed worda—wb o have dared to arraign the acts of his most sacred Majesty.