A word may be said to those over-anxious and timid
people who think there might be an insurrection or a "terrible strike" if the Government were to prohibit the sale of intoxicants during the war. There would be nothing of the kind. The men who are now clinging to their glasses and their beer. mugsare at heart perfectly patriotic people, although they do not for the moment understand that the luxury of alcohol interferes with concentration upon the war. If, however, the authority which they all recognize as competent—i.e., the Government—tells them that they must make a sacrifice of their whisky and their beer during the war, not five per cent. of any class in the community will give trouble about pro- hibition. There need not be the slightest fear on that score. If the Government say "You most" when the King sets the example, England will surprise the world by her unanimity.