READABLE Novxxs.-270 City of Contrasts. By Katherine dames. (Chapman and
Hall. 6s.)—A spirited and glowing story of the Perugia of the Renaissance, arranged in a number ef contrasting scenes—A Shadow of '57. By A. U. Scott- Moncrieff. (T. Fisher Unwin. 6s.)—Mr. Scott-Moncrieff is not a master of good English, but he has written a wholesome romance, and worked out his plot with fair skill—The Blue Buckle. By William Hamilton Osborne. (Hodder and Stoughton. 6s.)—This detective story is as complex as could be wished, without an excessive allowance of sentiment.- 0o the Fighting Line. By Constance Smedley. (G. P. Putnam's Sons. 6a)—Miss Smedley's book is not concerned with the war, but is a gossiping romance written in the form ef a diary.