10 APRIL 1926, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Some of your readers are interested in bird life, and may like to know that during the past week we have had a hawfuich and a great spotted woodpecker constantly at our bird table, which is on a terrace walk in the garden, and within a few yards of the dining-room windows. Two squirrels have regularly used the table through the winter, and nuthatches and tits of all sorts.-including the long-tailed —and even such a shy bird as a jay. The interest of this information is perhaps increased by the fact that our house is within fifteen minutes' walk of the centre of Bath. The bird-table, and also a bird bath, are near a big ilex tree, and this shelter undoubtedly contributes to the comparative confidence with which the birds and squirrels come to the Bath.