10 APRIL 1926, page 10

. The Minister Plenipotentiary Of The Irish Free State To

the United States has been making speeches in the Middle West. - During a visit to Chicago he gave a pleasing picture of improved conditions in Ireland and incidentally paid a......

The Theatre,

REVOLVER SHOTS [" KATERINA," BY ANDREYEV. BARNES THEATRE.] As SOOD as the curtain goes up on the first act, we hear voices; a man's, a woman's raised in a quarrel "off." "You're......

The Recent Discussions At Geneva Were Concerned With Such...

European interests that our attention was entirely focussed on the political deadlock. From the standpoint of wireless, however, last month's meeting at Geneva marked a fresh......

Some Of The Papers Have Been Full Of The Shady

trans- actions of transatlantic bucket-shop swindlers. When I read of people who have invested their life savings in some get-rich-quick syndicate I cannot help reflecting on......

For The Sum Of Only £100 Down One Could Own

an im- portant corner lot in that town of — and share in its prosperity. A few months later I happened to be in Canada in the neighbourhood of the township in question. The blue......