10 APRIL 1926, page 2

The Separate Bill To Raise The General Customs Tariff By

30 per cent. was also passed by both Houses. They adjourned on Easter Day to their own and everyone else's satisfaction. The numerous foreign residents in France will notice......

Reports Multiply About The Possibilities Of Peace In...

suggested recently that France was much more ready than Spain to come to terms with Abd-el- Krim, and the latest news tends to confirm the suggestion. However, the two countries......


The discomfort and anxiety of living in Peking are the only certainties of life there. Everyone is suffering under the military adventures and the diplomatists can only register......

M. Pashitch, Whom We Saw Somewhere Described As The "

inveterate " Prime Minister, of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes while other European Governments rose and fell, has resigned. Oppositions have found him invincible......

- On Wednesday An Attempt Was Made On The Life

of Signor Mussolini by Miss Violet Albina Gibson—a sister of Lord Ashbourne—who fired at him with a pistol when he was leaving the International Congress of Surgery in Rome.......

Apart From Wages, The Men's Leaders Seem To Be Paying

'most attention to the principle of a National Agreement, which they fear may be whittled away. It should not be forgotten, therefore, that the Report approved, of the •......

The Proposed - Reduction Is Really Far Less Open To Ob-

jection in fact than in name. The proposal refers only to the minimum percentage and nOt to the subsistence wage nor to the actual wage to be paid under normal conditions. In......

To The Relief Of Everyone The French Budget Is Passed

after invitations to disaster down to• the last minute. M. Peret's continued and urgent appeals for support and for haste had some effect and M. Herriot last week advised the......

* * * * Lord Reading Has Laid Down The

Governor-Generalship of India and - Lord Irwin has taken it up. We confess that we doubted the wisdom of Lord Reading's appoint inent, but he steadily dissipated those doubts,......