10 APRIL 1926, page 3

The Corporation Of London Has Presented To The...

of the two Houses of Parlia- ment a dignified protest against the Measure for the Disposal of City Churches. The Committee has agreed by a:majority to report favourably on the......

Probably No Living Person Can Remember More Brilliant And...

Easter weather than that of this year. General- izations are notoriously deceptive, but the present writer has an impression that though the roads were more crowded than ever,......

Another Interest Of The London Streets Is The Battle Of

wits that is going on between the Minister of Transport and the independent omnibus owners who refuse to with- draw their 'buses from certain routes now forbidden to them. In......

Sir William Joynson-hicks, In Dealing With The London...

upset expectations by not referring very pointedly to two-seaters. He has simply authorized alternative scales of charges for the hire of taxis ; one scale is the existing one,......

It Has Not All Been Due To Lord Reading, Of

course, any More than to the experimental reforms which he has so loyally carried out and supported wherever possible. But it is safe to say that a less brilliant and laborious......

* * In Another Respect, Unfortunately, The British Public...

not improve. Here we speak not in a doubtful generalization, but on positive information. The litter left behind by the holiday makers was worse than ever. Photographs of......

* * * * Lord Reading Has Laid Down The

Governor-Generalship of India and - Lord Irwin has taken it up. We confess that we doubted the wisdom of Lord Reading's appoint inent, but he steadily dissipated those doubts,......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.

on December 3rd, 1925. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 102; on Monday week 101 11 ; a year ago 102k. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 864; on Monday week 864;......