10 APRIL 1926, page 1

As Every Day That Passes Is Precious We Wish That

the owners could have provided a brief and much more explicit announcement for the guidance of the miners. - Even if such a statement had been a trifle less agreeable than the......

• As For The Miners, The Federation Is Still, When

we write on Thursday, awaiting reports from the various districts. The Federation in its reply to the owners' statement has, however, hinted—though perhaps a stronger word might......

News Of The Week

I N less than three weeks the coal subsidy, which alone makes it possible for coal mining as a whole to be carried on, will come to an end. The only scheme in the field for......

The Proposed - Reduction Is Really Far Less Open To Ob-

jection in fact than in name. The proposal refers only to the minimum percentage and nOt to the subsistence wage nor to the actual wage to be paid under normal conditions. In......

The Government After No More Delay Than Was Necessary Or

digesting the Commission's Report did the right thing. he Prime Minister announced that if the owners and the miners would be voluntary co-operators the Govern- ment for their......

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W.C. 2.—A Subscription to the "Spectator" costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. Registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this issue i8$......