10 APRIL 1926, Page 17

An original and apparently a practical • little book' is

The Walking Slick Method of Self-Defence, written by an officer of the Indian' Police (Athletic Publication. 3s.). Among various weighty testimonials to this method of self- defence we notice one from Lord Lloyd, then Governor of Bombay. The author tells us that "The daintiest lady carrying a walking cane is a match for the burliest hooligan," and we can well believe that she would be, if she would cultivate the Flicks and Flips here set forth. To deliver a 'Flip sounds simple : "From any position spring at your opponent with point of stick straight for face, judging your

• distance so as to reach opponent with fully extended arm.

• Make contact by jerking the wrist up." Certainly a convinc- • ing argument. • * * * *