10 APRIL 1926, Page 25


MiscEmausous :-Science and Poetry. By -I. A. Richards. (Kegati Paul. 2s. 6d.)---Paths to Word 'Peace. By - Bolton C. Waller. (Allen and Unwin.- 5s.)-A Naturalist's Pilgrimage. By. Richard Kearton. (Cassell. 7s. 6d.) The Law Relating to Estate Duty. By Jackson Wolfe and Douglas Dewar. (Oxford University Press. 15s.) A Child's History of the World. By V. M. HiByer. (Allen and Unwin. 10s. 6d.)-The Devil. By Leo Tolstoy. Translated by Aylmer Maude. (Allen and Unwin. 3s. 6d.) Eugenic Reform. By Leonard Darwin: -(Murray. • 12s.)-Evolution and Creation. By • Sir Oliver Lodge. (Hodder and Stoughton. 3s. 6d.) ---The Brain and the Mind. By Paul Siinner. (Allen and Unwin. .$s. 6d.)=-Pictures of Jewish Home-Life. By H. Trager. (Routledge. 3s. 6d.) Catholicism and Papacy. By Mgr. Battifol. (Sands. 3s. 6d.) LITERATURE :-The Letters of Synesius. Translated by A: FitzGerald. (Oxford University Press. 21s.)-Auto.; biography of John Payne. (Edited and published by T. Wright. 15s.) The History and Sources of Percy's • Memoir of Goldsmith. By K. C. Balderston. (Cambridge University Press. 3s. 6d.)--Granite. By Clemence Dane. (Heinemann. Os.) BIOGRAPHY :-Cagliostro. By W. R. H. Trowbridge. (Allen and Unwin. 7s. lid.)-Francis Jenkinson. By H. F. Stewart. (Cambridge University Press. 10s. 6d.) Henry Jackson, O.M. By R. St. J. Parry. (Cambridge

University Press. 15s.) '

ECONOMICS AND TRAVEL :-The History of the South Wales ' Miners. By Ness Edwards. (Labour Publishing Com- pany. 2s. 6d.) Over-Population. By P. Sargant Florence. (Kegan Paul. 2s. 6d.)-The Wonderland of the Old South-West: By C. F. Ltimmis. (Allen and Unwin. 18s.) Romantic France. By Eleanor Elsher. (Herbert Jenkins.. 10s. 6d.) Any :-New Chapters in Greek Art. By P. Gardner. (Oxford University Press. 21s.) Westminster Abbey and its Ancient Art. By J. G. Noppen. (Burrow. 21s.) NovEts :-The Venetian Glass Nephew. By Elinor Wylie. (Heinemann. 7s. (Id.) The Quiet Lady. By Agnes Mitre Mackenzie. (Heinemann. 6s.) The Marylebone Miser. By Eden Phillpotts. (Hutchinson. 7s. 6d..) --The House. By Richmal Compton. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. 6d.)