10 DECEMBER 1921, Page 12


[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—I admit that " Ulsterman" is correct and that I was mistaken in identifying the "Loyalist section" with the " Protestants of the six counties of Ulster." I now abstain from expressing any opinion on the subject, as it is not cap- able of an answer based upon statistics only, and I wrote simply as a statistician. But it is not correct for " Ulster- man " to say that I said the Protestants of Ulster were 18.7 of the population of Ulster. I was dealing with the proportion of the Loyalists to "the entire population of Ireland." " Ulster- man" said it was one-third. I said it was 18.7. I am very sorry that in my aim at brevity I should have misled "Ulster- man." The note that you appended to my letter seemed to me wiite reasonable.-1 am, sir, &c., CHARLES EASON. 80 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin.