10 DECEMBER 1921, page 3

The Washington Conference Has Not Yet Arrived At Any...

conclusions, but the private negotiations appear to be conducted in a friendly spirit.• The Japanese and Chinese delegates are discussing the Shantung question. On Saturday, Mr.......

We Must Warmly Congratulate Mr. J. Ii. Thomas, M.p., Both

on his courage in suing the Communist for libel and on his success in winning his case last week with £2,000 damages. He was accused by this Bolshevik organ of having betrayed......

The Egyptian Delegation, Headed By Adly Pasha, Rejected...

The presence of a British garrison outside the Canal zone would, they said, constitute occupation. The High Commissioner would render Egypt's control of her foreign policy......

The Chancellor Of The Exchequer, Speaking At Manchester...

disposed of the rumour that he was making a separate bargain with Germany, through Dr. Rathenau. He declared that the Allies must act together in the matter of reparation. It......

Lord Allenby, In A Covering Letter Of December 3rd, Reminded

the Sultan of the facts of the case. Great Britain, ho said, must keep troops in Egypt as a guarantee of order, though she did not want to continue the protectorate. "Nothing is......

The Indian Government Are At Last Beginning To Act...

towards the dangerous agitators who, thanks to Mr. Montagu, have hitherto enjoyed immunity. Lela Lajpat Rai, the notorious Sikh who was sent to gaol in 1907 for sedition and who......

We Regret To Record The Death On Saturday Last Of

Mr. Frederick Huth Jackson, director of the Bank of England, and one of the wisest and most attractive men in the City of London. He was only fifty-eight. Mr. Jackson, after......

M. Briand Addressed The French Senate On Tuesday, After...

a vote of confidence from the Chamber. He expressed his firm belief that Germany could pay the reparation instal- ments if she increased her taxes. " If Germany does not pay,"......

Sir Robert Home Went On To Say That His Task

was to reduce expenditure. He did not count on receiving anything from Germany to relieve the taxpayer ; whatever came would be a windfall. As next year's revenue would be......

The Bolshevik Element In Vienna Had Been Kept Under Control

so successfully until last week that its existence was almost forgotten. On Thursday, December let, however, it contrived to promote a violent riot in Vienna's West End, where......

The Papers Giving The British Offer To Egypt And The

Egyptian delegates' refusal of the offer were published on Monday. The Government offered to recognize Egypt as a sovereign State, allied to us by a perpetual treaty. The......

Bank Rate, 5 Pert Ant., Changed From 5i Per Cent.

Nov. 3, 1921 ; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 89i ; Thursday week, 88} ; a year ago, 83.......