10 DECEMBER 1921, page 25

Novissima 'perk : Last Words, 1920. By Frederic Harrison....

Fisher Unwin. 10s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Frederic Harrison has reprinted the spirited and thoughtful comments on current affairs which he contributed to the Fortnightly Review last......

We Have Received From The Stationery Office The First Report

(7s. 6d. net) of the War Compensation Court, which was set up under the Indemnity Act of last year, mainly with the object of evading the consequences of the judgment of the......


Tax Boy's Own Annual (14s. 6c1. net) shows us that the Boy's Own Paper in its forty-third year is still as full as ever of good stories, interesting articles and attractive......

Some Books Of The Week.

(Nonce in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.] The London Mercury for December has a clever satirical poem by Mr. James Laver, describing the......

The Mere Fact That So Expensive A Book As The

late Mr. J. Herbert Slater's Engravings and their Value (Bazaar, Exchange and Mart Office, 42s.) should have run into a fifth edition is surely a sufficient indication of its......

A History Of The Last Hundred Days Of English Freedom.

By William Cobbett. (Labour Publishing Co. and G. Allen and Unwin. 5s. net).—Cobbett's racy writings are too seldom reprinted and too little read. The six letters written from......

Professor Coupland, The New Occupant Of The Beit Chair Of

Colonial History at Oxford, has printed his inaugural lecture on The Study of the British Commonwealth (Clarendon Press, 2s. net). It is an eloquent plea for a subject which has......

Stories For Small Children.

The Airplane Spider, by Gilbert Murray (Black, 2s. 6d. net), is a charming adaptation of Fabre's researches in the form of a story. The author makes the life of Laura, the......

Casual Letters From South America. By William Belmont...

Society of America. 15s. net.)—Mr. Parker spent some months in each of the capitals of South America preparing the biographical dictionaries for the several States which the......