10 DECEMBER 1921, page 2

President Ilardirtg, In His First Speech To The New Congress

on Tuesday, hinted that the Washington Conference was giving " growing assurances " of a durable peace. " A most gratifying world accomplishment is not improbable." He reminded......

In The Northern Parliament On Wednesday Sir James Craig Said

thatemoreloformation was wanted before the Ulster Govern- ment could come to a definite conclusion. He and his colleagues hoped to go toLondon in order to discuss matters with......

The Boundary Commission Is To Consist Of Three Persons, One

appointed by the Free State, one by Ulster, and a Chairman to be appointed by the British Government. If no Address to the Crown is presented by Ulster within the month the......

The Position Of North-east Lister Is Apparently Secured...

Settlement, but we cannot help repeating here that the security was largely obtained by the firmness and calmness of the Ulster leaders, who, of course, greatly helped to bring......

All That The Northern Parliament In Fact Did Was To

take proceedings against a defaulting local authority. The Tyrone County Council declared its intention of acknowledging Sinn Fein —in other words, of handing over its revenues......

Although' Sir James Craig Said Nothing Definite On The Main

question of the Settlement, he has stated that " peace is probably in sight." That is exactly what we should have expected him to say. There are rumours that the Sinn - Wein......

It Was Expected That Mr. Meighen's Coalition Government...

defeated in the Canadian General Election on Tuesday, but it was thought that none of the three parties, Conservatives, Liberals and Progressives, would secure a clear majority......

M. Briand Addressed The French Senate On Tuesday, After...

a vote of confidence from the Chamber. He expressed his firm belief that Germany could pay the reparation instal- ments if she increased her taxes. " If Germany does not pay,"......

The Papers Of Thursdayannounced That The King Had...

the immediate release of all persons in Ireland interned for political -offences. On Wednesday .evening Lord Midleton and other prominent Southern Unionists discussed with the......