10 DECEMBER 1921, Page 2

Although' Sir James Craig said nothing definite on the main

question of the Settlement, he has stated that " peace is probably in sight." That is exactly what we should have expected him to say. There are rumours that the Sinn-Wein extremists may try to set aside the Settlement., though it issust,generally thought that they are likely to emceed. All we Anew is that Mr. De Valera, immediately the Settlement had been announced, summoned a Sinn Fein Cabinet. The Publicity Department of Dail Eireann staked that this meeting was summoned " in view of -the nature of the proposed Treaty with Great Britain." By some people this choice of words is regarded as ominous. Ws believe, however, that the tide of satisfaction which is bearing along nearly all the Sinn Feiners, who are thankful to be saved from war and ruin, will be much too strong 'for those who would like to sacrifice everything to an unending .enmity with Great Britain.