10 DECEMBER 1921, page 15


IMMORTALITY. When on the sluggish tide of time The immortal moment comes, Whose bugle-call thrills with a gleaming edge Flesh and all stuff of the material world, The......

The Lovat Fraser Memorial Exhibition.

" Yet once more, oh, ye laurels, and once more Ye myrtles brown with ivy never sere . . ." PERHAPS the most immediate thought of the visitor to the Leicester Galleries is this......

The Theatre.

A PUPPET SHOW. Mn. GAnt Wrmetesos's Puppet Show, which the curious may see for nothing at Messrs. Heal's, is one of the moat charming little theatrical performances that I have......

The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any Article,...

letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his best to returncontributions in case of rejection. Poems should be addressed to the......

Notice.—when " Correspondence " Or Articles Are Signed...

writer's name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the view therein expressed or with......