10 DECEMBER 1921, Page 2

It was expected that Mr. Meighen's Coalition Government would be

defeated in the Canadian General Election on Tuesday, but it was thought that none of the three parties, Conservatives, Liberals and Progressives, would secure a clear majority of the 235 seats. The prophets were wrong. Mr. King and the Liberals won all the seats in Quebec, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island, and did BO well in Ontario that they secured in all 122 seats and will return to office after a lapse of ten years. The Conservatives won only 38 seats out of 82 in Ontario, and 7 out of 12 in British Columbia, obtaining in all 51 seats. The Progressives, whose programme is a curious mixture of agrarian reform, Free Trade and a: mild Socialism, won nearly all the seats in the prairie provinces and 20 in Ontario, so that they are now, with 59 seats, the second strongest party in the House. There -was -no clear -issue before the -country. The solid vote of the French Roman Catholics in Quebec was not given for Liberalism in our sense of the word, nor for Free Trade. The Government lost the election through their manifest unpopularity. Canada is tired of Coalitions.