10 DECEMBER 1921, Page 2

The Boundary Commission is to consist of three persons, one

appointed by the Free State, one by Ulster, and a Chairman to be appointed by the British Government. If no Address to the Crown is presented by Ulster within the month the Government and Parliament of Northern Ireland shall continue to exercise their present powers, but the Government and Parliament of the Free State shall have powers to deal with any matter in Northern Ireland which the existing Northern Parliament is not now authorized to handle. In other words, if Ulster should not object there would be an All-Ireland Parlia- ment. Article X-V. provides -various safeguards for Ulster in the event of there being an All-Ireland Parliament. Article XVI. prohibits any Parliament in Ireland from directly or indirectly endowing a particular religion or prohibiting or restricting the exercise of a particular religion. Article XVII. arranges for a Provisional .Government, composed of the sitting members of the Sinn FeinParliament, for administering Southern Ireland between the passing of the Act and the constitution of the Free State. The Provisional Government is not to last longer in any ease than twelve months.