10 DECEMBER 1921, Page 2

The papers of Thursdayannounced that the King had approved of

the immediate release of all persons in Ireland interned for political -offences. On Wednesday .evening Lord Midleton and other prominent Southern Unionists discussed with the Prime Minister and Lord Birkenhead the •safeguards for Southern Loyalists. Apparently, Mr. Lloyd George stated that the Sinn Fein delegates had given the Government emphatic assurances that the Southern Unionists should be properly treated. Mr. Arthur Griffith, in a letter to the Prime Minister, said that he, too, had discussed matters with the Southern Unionists, and had agreed that. they.should receive a full share of.representation in the first Chamber of the Free State Parliament. He had also undertaken to consult with them about the constitution of the second Chamber. " We look," he added, " for their assistance in the same spirit of understanding and good will which we ourselves will show towards their traditions and interests."