Novissima 'Perk : Last Words, 1920. By Frederic Harrison. (T.
Fisher Unwin. 10s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Frederic Harrison has reprinted the spirited and thoughtful comments on current affairs which he contributed to the Fortnightly Review last year. They have not proved to be his last words, we are glad to say, but they deserve careful reading as the views of a veteran student and an old-fashioned Liberal. We may note his dread of Bolshevism, his regret that America would do nothing for the Armenians, his remark that " a League of Nations without America is an army in uniform but without arms," and his outspoken condemnation of Zionism. " Of all the mischievous and absurd cries about races, this is the worst. Jews may be a race or a sect ; they are not a nation."