Good trews comes -front New York if -it is true
that that elusive creature the influenza germ •has been -run to ground at last. Drs. Frederick Gates •and 'Peter ,Olitsky, of the Rockefeller Institute-for:Medical Research, are 'responsible for the -discovery. The germ, we -are told, is so that `it passes through the pores 'of an earthenware 'filter 'and only becomes visible • when mag- nified -a thousand times. The successful -isolation -Of the germ, however, Would not mean-that a eure for influenza had been found: It would mean •the possibility of obtaining cultures and -conducting experimental investi- gations. 'The New York --State Department -of 'Health, it -is said, confidently believes 'that -a ewe will -quickly -be 'discovered.