10 FEBRUARY 1923, page 43

The " Devil's Own " Transformed Itself At The Outset

of the war into an officers' training corps, and this admirably edited volume describes its experiences and gives at length the records of the rank and file. The corps in July,......

Military And Navaij.

This is one of the best-written divisional histories that we have yet seen. Captain Falls himself shared in most of the fighting of the famous Ulster Division, first as a......

The Antiquaries Journal. (h. Milford. 5s. Net.) The Chief...

of this issue is Colonel Hawley's third lcport on the Excavations at Stonehenge. It is not the author's fault that the results are inconclusive, for he has taken infinite pains.......


Mr. C. A. Tinker, an American airman who was stationed at Howden aerodrome, discovered in Selby Abbey a mediaeval window with the Washington arms. He describes the abbey in an......

The Burlington Magazine.

The principal features of the current issue are Sir Charles Holmes's article on Honthorst, Fabritius and De Witte and the examples of their work that have recently been acquired......

This Special Number, Though Dated December, Has Just...

contains the hitherto unpublished diary of Sir James Halkett, Major in Dumbarton's Regiment, which is now the Royal Scots, describing the Moorish siege of Tangier in 1680.......

Roads And Their Users.

THE NEW ROLLS-ROYCE. W ITH the increasing differentiation and complexity in the design of modern cars and the enormous number of new makes on the market, the difficulties of the......

The February Magazines.

THE EMPIRE REVIEW. This old-established monthly, which has taken a new lease of life, is now remarkably interesting. Mr. H. A. L. Fisher's thoughtful article on " East and West......