10 FEBRUARY 1923, page 42

Sentimental Roman Catholic Verse.


Poems. By Thomas Sharp. (macmillan. Os. Net.)

Where his subject is obviously autobiographical, Mr. Sharp is eloquent and sincere, but the conventional subjects of poetry leave his individuality merged under a host of......

The Great Hereafter And The Road To Per- Fection. By

Arthur J. Loseby. (Stockwell. ls. net.) A long philosophical poem in blank verse that optimistically and perhaps unconsciously refutes Dean Inge's theories of progress, and a......

The Landing Of Van Riebeeck. By John R. Lawn. Christmas

IN SOUTH AFRICA. By Mary R. Boyd. (Capetown : T. Maskew Miller. 2s. each.) Mr. Lawn's capable narrative poem, interspersed with religious lyrics, is the Bardic Poem of the South......

Poetry And Drams..

A MISCELLANY OF POETRY, 1920-1922. By Kean _ Seymour. (John G. Wilson. Os. net.) Mr. Kean Seymour's anthology makes a noble show of contributors. If a good many of the wrong......

High Tide. Edited By Mrs. Waldo Richards. (duck- Worth. Os.

net.) It is astonishing in days when poets are reputed to live in factitious gloom that Mrs. Richards could gather together so many contemporary " Songs of Joy." The anthology......

Periodicals And Books Of Reference.

THE WOMAN JOURNALIST. (Sentinel House, South. ampton Row, W.C. 6d. net.) The first number of the new monthly magazine of the Society of Women Journalists has a helpful article......

Minor Verse Which Shows Evidence Of A Hand With Rather

more than average accomplishment.......

Stray Thoughts In Verse. By Anna Howarth. (capetown : T.

Maskew Miller.) The thought is sometimes to seek, but the verse is pretty and efficient.......

The Office Of Woods And Forests Administers The...

of the Crown. Its interesting Report for 1921-22 shows that the net revenue paid into the Exchequer from these properties amounted to 1820 : 000, so that the State made a good......

Games And Sport.

HOW TO PLAY BILLIARDS. By Tom Newman. (Methuen. 8s. 6d.) Every year innumerable volumes on sport come out—books that profess to tell their readers the secret of golf, the key to......

Wild Geese. By J. Murray Allison. (printed Privately At The

Shakespeare Head Press, Stratford-on-Avon.) Mr. Allison has a pleasant turn for rustic verse.......

I'he Sea World Waits. By Herbert J. Hall. (the Four

Seas Company, Boston, U.S.A. 7s. 6d. net.) Some of the sea poems in this collection are polished and effective.......

Works Of Reference.

Burdett's Hospitals and Charities, 1922-23 (Scientific Press; 17s. 6d. net), is the thirty-third edition of an invaluable book, which is in constant use among all who have to do......

This Is A Work Which Will Be Valuable To All

lovers of Hudson's writings. It contains full details and notes of the first editions of all his books, pamphlets and leaflets ; information concerning his prefaces to the works......

Notes. By Amy Cryan. (w. Knott, 30 Brooke Street, E.c.

1. ls.) Miss Cryan's verse has an epigrammatical turn that lends pungency to her pleasantly expressed ideas.......

Miss Florence Irwin Is An American, But She Steers Clear

of the heresies in bridge which we associate with America. She is perfectly sound on such matters as pre-emptive bids and opening two bids to show lack of top honours. Indeed,......