Canada's Urgent Need For More Population Of The Right Kind
seems to be generally recognized throughout the Dominion to-day, and practically every Canadian news- paper testifies to an increasing appreciation of this need. The annual......
Among • The Agencies Fighting Racial Prejudice In The...
States must be mentioned the Federation of Women's Clubs, Welfare Boards and Church organizal tions. A. group. of North .Carolina women, representing these- bodies, has issued a......
The Whole Subject Of Lynching And The Best Means Of
dealing with the evil of mob-violence is ever in the minds of forward-looking people in America. Grave though the evil may still be, it is satisfactory to note that there were......
The English-speaking World.
By . EVELYN WRENCH. T HE result of the recent election has forced Mr. Hughes to resign the Premiership of the Australian Commonwealth, as I anticipated in these notes, and his......
Until Mr. Stanley Melbourne Bruce Was Asked , By Lord ....
the Governor-General, to form a Government,; little was known of him outside- Australia. The Time:, always well informed on: Australian affairs, now seeks to supply the......
The Page Memorial Fund.
T HE following is the list of donations received by the English-Speaking Union and the Spectator for the Page Memorial Fund :— SECOND LIST OF DONATIONS. £ s. .d. '5 B. d. The......