Poets And Poetry .
OBSCURE POETRY. THE time has come when the General Editor will give us no more space. The correspondence on " Obscure Poetry " must stop. There is no unanimity among Spectator......
The Evolution Of Climate.* The Very Able Book Which Mr.
Brooks has written on the evolution of climate through all the periods of geological time, and especially during and since the last Ice Age, will interest many readers. It......
Irish Peasant Plays.*
Tan speech of the West of Ireland peasant, at any rate as it reaches us through the medium of Synge or Lady Gregory, is altogether richer in poetry, in image and metaphor, than......
A Lion Tamer4 There Is A Resemblance Between The Writers
of Reminiscences (or some of them) and those gentlemen called Entertainers who appear on a variety stage in company with a Grand Piano and pour out a rapid series of songs and......