This old-established monthly, which has taken a new lease of life, is now remarkably interesting. Mr. H. A. L. Fisher's thoughtful article on " East and West " raises great questions. If China adopts a simple alphabet and her people become educated,
" forty years hence the old pacific, unscientific, artistic China may be no more. Indolence may have given place to energy, rice to wheat, and a sensitive philosopher from Peking, reacting against the military triumphs of his rough compatriots, may bold up for their regret or admiration the exquisite finish of an English lyric or the tranquil beauty of some Italian Madonna.
Dr. Andrew Balfour writes well and dearly on " The Cure of Sleeping Sickness," Mr. J. E. Holdsworth explains the strange form of " P.R." adopted for the Australian Federal elections, and Mr. Gaselee describes Pepys's Library at Magda- lene College, Cambridge.