The monotonous anarchy of - Ireland continues. There are signs, however,
that the depredations Of the Irregulars are slowly changing in character. They are becoming, 'if we may so express it, economic rather than political. In other words, the 'Republicans now steal and plunder quite indiscriminately and simply for -gain instead of murdering for their " cause." An example a this is a recent outbreak in Cavan, where two small townships were laid waste close to the 'border, thus giving Northern Ireland a Very apt object-lesson on the joys of -being governed from Dublin. Meanwhile, Mr. O'Higgins, 'the Free State Minister of Hotne Affairs, who seems to be -emerging as the most important metriber of -the Dublin Govern- ment, has made a very 'strong speech exposing the hypocrisy of .Mr. De Valera's recent statement that he could never contemplate negotiations with "-the foreigner." It was De Valera, Mr. O'Higgins assures us, who urged Mr. 'Michael 'Collins -to attend -the nego- tiations 'in London -When- Mr. Collins did not want to go. 'I wish to -record my 'personal opinion;" Mr. 'O'Higgins concluded, "that a public Man was never so treaCherouSly treated -by a colleague 'as was Michael Collins by De 'Valera."