24 History of the Gold Coast of Africa. By C. B. Ellis. (Chap- man and Hall.)—Colonel Ellis had made the past and present of the Gold Coast a subject peculiarly his own. We have not always 'found ourselves in agreement with hie views. But that he was a .careful observer who took much pains with his work there can be o doubt. That the history of this region is highly interesting it would be idle to pretend. It makes a somewhat monotonous and dreary record. One can hardly help thinking that the region has test more lives than it is worth ; the death of the accomplished writer and excellent soldier to whom we owe this volume might be taken as an aidt.onal Iroof of it.. The complicated questions arising out of t' e rolfey of the Home Government on wisdom occasions, and the peculiar action of successive Governors, are more than we can pretend to disentangle. Colonel Ellie expresses opinions about them which those who are interested in such mat- ters will do well to acquaint themselves with, if not to adopt. On one matter which, though not political, once excited a very strong interest, the death of "L. E. L.," and the conduct of her husband, Captain Maclean, Colonel Ellis is quite clear. He is sure that Maclean was a grossly calumniated man. It is very strange to read, in view of recent developments of English opinion, that he was fiercely attacked at home for having attempted to abolish the custom of human sacrifice. It was a gross interference with liberty, it was said ; now some of us are going so far the other way that they are ready to risk an Empire for the sake of keeping a man from his opium pipe or pill.